Friday, June 23, 2006

Honey Cures Acne

Honey Cures Acne

I have just discovered that honey is a treatment for acne and spots.
You can find out for yourself by trying it at home.
Use wild honey where available for this treatment.

However, where you do not have wild honey, you can make do with refined honey.
They should produce the same effects.

Wash your face with warm water and apply the honey to the affected parts and repeat twice a day.
Within 3 days, the effects will be visible for all to see.

When this works for you, come back here for your testimony.


Honey Cures Acne

Honey Cures Acne

I have just discovered that honey is a treatment for acne and spots.
You can find out for yourself by trying it at home.
Use wild honey where available for this treatment.

However, where you do not have wild honey, you can make do with refined honey.
They should produce the same effects.

Wash your face with warm water and apply the honey to the affected parts and repeat twice a day.
Within 3 days, the effects will be visible for all to see.

When this works for you, come back here for your testimony.


Saturday, June 03, 2006

Acne Free Messages

Acne Free Messages
There are over ten forms of acne a person can experience, from chloracne to acne mechanica. Just as acne can take on varied forms, there are a variety of reasons why one may have acne.
Acne formations act as messengers from the body, suggesting beneficial changes to your lifestyle and areas of your life to which you should pay more attention. You know when you have found an acne message because using the information from the message actually improves your health and deepens you level of self-awareness.
Below is a sampling of some of the needs or unresolved issues that may be exposed by an Acne Message.
Needed diet alteration
Poor level of self-love
Reduction in over the counter medications
Internal detoxification
Need for more exercise
Move to a different relationship or end a current one
Need for more personal challenges
Poor stress management
Uncontrolled emotions
Social anxiety
Un-addressed personal fears
Unmet goals
Unexpressed Feelings
Bodily neglect
Unadjusted to new settings
Contact with new environment
Poor understanding of cleansing agents
Misuse of hair care products
Excess hormones in foods
Weak organs
Extreme sensitivity to criticism
Acne is not a superficial condition. It strikes deep into the heart and psyche of everyone suffering with this disease. Once your acne trigger is unveiled and dealt with, you, your health and self-esteem reap all the benefits.

reduce and eliminate your acne

Natural Acne Treatments
At some point in your life you will probably suffer from acne. Almost everyone does. There has been a great deal of news about acne treatments recently with many claiming a combination of an acne prevention diet and some of the all natural acne treatments to be the answer. So you might want to try that route.
Acne is a disorder of the sebaceous gland. This is the gland in the skin that secretes an oily substance to the face, neck, and back mostly. If the sebaceous gland becomes clogged with this oily substance you get a zit or a pimple. And sometimes you get a lot of them.
There are many different forms of acne but acne vulgaris is the most common form in adolescents and young adults. The treatments are basically the same no matter what type of acne you have.
The actual cause of acne is still not really understood. Some believe it lies in genetics. Others believe it is a combination of factors such as androgens, allergies, stress, or the use of certain mediations. Natural practitioners tend to believe it is a result of nutritional deficiencies, and toxins in the body that can cause the liver to dysfunction.
The skin is the largest organ in our body and it eliminates toxic body waste through the pores when we sweat. If the body has more toxins than the liver or kidneys can discharge the skin takes over. Many doctors actually refer to the skin as the third kidney. When toxins discharge through the skin they can cause a disruption in the healthy skin and you have pimples.
Here are some simple tips to try to help reduce and eliminate your acne. Remember it can take up to 4 weeks to see a difference.
1. Always drink plenty of water - 8 glasses minimum and more is better. Water helps the body flush it self better and more efficiently.
2. Apply white vinegar to the face, neck, and back. Let is sit for 5 minutes then rinse off with warm water.
3. Use lemon as an exfoliation treatment to remove dead skin cells that clog the pores. Apply the lemon to the infected areas. Let it dby for 10 minutes then rinse off with cool water. You might feel a bit of a burning sensation when you apply it. If you can't take it then dilute the lemon a little bit.
4. Eat a well balanced diet that is high in fresh fruits and vegetables. Avoid unhealthy foods such as greasy or fast foods whenever possible.
5. Take a good quality multivitamin vitamin daily. As well add zinc supplements to your daily intake. Zinc has shown remarkable results in clearing acne.
6. Use Grape seed extract or Echinacea to help boost your immune system to better fight acne causing bacteria.
7. Use Dandelion or Burdock to detoxify your liver and kidneys.
8. Try a homeopathic remedy or an Ayurvedic treatment. Natural medicine is known to have some remarkable results. That's because they think outside the box. Rather than treating the symptom which in this case is the zit, they treat the whole you and look for the underlying cause.
Acne can be annoying at best and devastating at worst. There is no reason to have to live with acne these days, no matter how bad ht is. There are many treatment options available and if over the counter isn't working then seek the assistance of your doctor or dermatologist. Don't suffer any longer!
MD Stacener from The Acne Cure has been serving customers for over 20 years, providing valuable information to keep you beautiful and healthy. Please visit us at Acne, zits, spots, pimples and Rosacea