Saturday, October 06, 2007

Laser Acne Scar Removal Procedures

ZENMED® Acne Treatment
Clears acne from the inside-out. Works Fast with Guaranteed Results!

What to Expect from Laser Acne Scar Removal Procedures
by: Naweko Nicole Dial

Have you decided to invest in a laser procedure to remove acne scarring? What do you expect to get for your cash- a completely new look? You should because these services aren't cheap. No matter what your aims for laser skin corrections are, by using medical reviews of leading laser treatments for acne scarring, you can have a clearer idea of what to expect after your laser treatment.

Most appraisals of the effectiveness of laser skin enhancements are two-sided because both the patients and study-independent physicians typically access the level improvement in acne marks.

While these post-treatment assessments are not standardized, they still offer a glimpse into the potential cosmetic outcomes from using laser treatments. Besides cosmetic changes in the skin, another variable that you'll need to add to your review of laser treatments is the overall number of treatments required to see dramatic changes in the skin.

What follows is a rundown of what to anticipate from four different laser procedures for treating acne scarring along with estimates of how many treatment you will need.

Laser 1

1,064-nm Nd:YAG pulsed light system Marketed names include PhotoSilk Laser

Last year, a study in Dermatologic Surgery tested the efficacy of the 1,064-nm Nd:YAG laser at removing acne scars. Nine patients underwent eight treatments for moderate to severe acne scarring. Three independent physicians assessed the overall improvement level of acne scarring severity for the group at 29.36%.

Treatments: 8 Improvement rating: 29.36%

Laser 2

1,320-nm Nd:YAG Marketed names include CoolTouch Laser

An investigation from the same journal featured eight patients with facial acne scars. The group received eight treatments with the 1,320-nm Nd:YAG laser. After five treatments, independent observes assessed the overall acne scarring improvement rate between 40-60 %.

Treatments: 5 Improvement rating: 40-60%

Laser 3

1,450-nm diode laser Marketed names include Smoothbeam Laser

In a split test comparison between the 1,450-nm laser and 1,320-nm laser at treating mild to moderate atrophic (indented, or lost skin tissue) acne scarring, the 1,450-nm laser demonstrated greater improvement in acne scarring.

Laser 4

1,550-nm erbium-doped fiber laser Marketed names include Fraxel Laser

Just this past March, a study in Dermatologic Surgery tested the 1,550-nm erbium-doped fiber laser on fifty-three patients with mild to moderate atrophic facial acne scars. After three treatments, two independent reviewers judged a 51-75% improvement in the scarring of 90% of the study participants.

Treatments: 3 Improvement rating: 51-75%

Remember, these ratings are based on the improvement levels patients coping with mild to severe acne scarring experienced after various laser treatments. As Dr. Rohrer pointed out that it is difficult to predict what your skin will look like after a laser treatment for acne scarring because many of the patient assessments during the studies were based on opinions of before and after photos.

To reduce the uncertainty surrounding laser correction of acne scars, ask your laser surgeon for before and after images of laser cosmetic procedures she has performed in the past months. Then judge the overall acne scarring improvement level for yourself.


Alster, Tina; Elizabeth L Tanzi & Melissa Lazarus. The Use of Fractional Laser Photothermolysis for the Treatment of Atrophic Scars. Dermatologic Surgery; March 2007, vol 33, no 3, pp 295-299.

Lipper, Graeme M & Maritza Perez. Nonablative Acne Scar Reduction after a Series of Treatments with a Short-Pulsed 1,064-nm Neodymium:YAG Laser. Dermatologic Surgery; August 2006, vol 32, no 8, pp 998-1006.

Rohrer, Thomas E. Ethics in Cosmetic Laser Treatments. Skin and Allergy News; May 2007, vol 38, no 5, pp 14-15.

Sadick NS & AK Schecter. A Preliminary Study of Utilization of the 1320-nm Nd:YAG Laser for the Treatment of Acne Scarring. Dermatologic Surgery; July 2004, vol 30, no 7, pp 995-1000.

Tanzi, Elizabeth L & Tina S Alster. Comparison of a 1450-nm Diode Laser and a 1320-nm Nd:YAG Laser in the Treatment of Atrophic Facial Scars: A Prospective Clinical and Histologic Study. Dermatologic Surgery; February 2004, vol 30, no 2, pp 152-157.

About The Author
Naweko Nicole Dial San-Joyz pioneered the acne trigger approach to naturally controlling acne in her internationally published book, “Acne Messages”. San-Joyz continues to serve the acne community by developing customized acne scar removal treatments for the face and body. If you want free tips for naturally removing acne scarring, visit .

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Sunday, September 30, 2007

Teenage Acne

ZENMED® Acne Treatment
Clears acne from the inside-out. Works Fast with Guaranteed Results!

Treating Teenage Acne

Considered by many as a skin disease, acne actually encompasses a wide range of malformations that usually take place on the facial skin, although the disease can also be seen occurring on the neck, the upper back, the shoulders, and sometimes, on the chest. Acne also happen to come in various types, each one having its own name and description: the most common of which is whiteheads, which typically stay below the skin surface; blackheads, which tend to rise above the skin surface and characterized by a dark color; papules, which are small, tender, and pink bumps; pustules, which are pus-topped pimples with red-colored bases; nodules, which are large and painful pimples that tend to grow deep into the skin; and cysts, which are deep and painful pimples often filled with pus and can often cause facial scars.

Acne affects people from virtually every social class and has no exact cause, although medical practitioners tend to agree that hormone production within the body might have some connection with it. Specifically, the oil or sebaceous glands of some people tend to produce oil in excessive amounts during certain periods. The oil principally functions as a skin lubricant, but an overproduction of this causes the oil to get trapped in the oil ducts, eventually resulting to the so-called pimples or acne.

Another explanation for the occurrence of acne is the production of thin hairs inside the skin follicle. A follicle is a type of canal that links the skin pores or skin holes to the oil or sebaceous glands. These glands produce the needed skin oil, more popularly known as a sebum, and this gets transported towards the skin surface. Along with the transported oil are dead follicle hairs that also attempt to make it towards the skin surface but these get trapped somewhere in the middle of the transportation process. It's from these clogged hairs that acne eventually grows.

Whatever the actual cause is, acne is considered to be the most common of all skin diseases, with approximately 17 million Americans suffering from it. Typically, it tends to mostly afflict teenagers and even young adults, with the average age ranging from twelve to 24. The possible explanation as to why this particular age group is most susceptible to acne attacks can be attributed to the fact that during the age of puberty up to the late adolescent years, a significant amount of the hormone androgen is produced This unfortunately causes the sebaceous or oil glands into increasing their production of sebum, often causing an excess. Following the theory of trapped oil in the follicle, it does not come as a surprise then that teenagers commonly suffer from frequent acne attacks.

Teenage acne can cause many adolescents to become depressed mainly because they are at the period in life when physical beauty is starting to become an important aspect, particularly with regards to the opposite sex, and blemishes in any area of their body is often considered a major imperfection on their part. A wide range of emotions can get to interplay in the process, which can possibly result in more cases of acne breakouts. Eventually, this can lead to more severe acne cases which can be devastating for the self-image that an adolescent is trying to create for himself.

Initially, self-affirmations should prove to be sufficient to enable acne-bearing teenagers to overcome the ridicule and embarrassment that their blemishes inevitably bring to them. The love and support of parents and close friends will be particularly crucial during this time to help teenagers accept their situation and to realize that life is more than just having a beautiful face and a sexy body.

Ideally, though, it is always best to treat the problem upfront, and this should involve some very basic solutions to either prevent acne attacks or prevent future ones from occurring if one is already having acne problems. For starters, one should make it a point to regularly cleanse the face with clean and warm water so dirt and dust will not get accumulated in the facial skin. Getting enough sleep, especially at night, is likewise important since sleep helps rejuvenate the skin. Regular exercise should also be considered as this increases blood circulation, ultimately providing the needed oxygen to various organs of the body, including the skin.

An additional and significant step that acne sufferers can take is to seek the help of skin experts or dermatologists. These professionals can accurately assess the situation and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

In mild cases of teenage acne attacks, however, non-prescription treatments may be sufficient, and these may include either a short and quick solution characterized by the use of an acne cream or lotion over a limited time period, or a more complex process that covers a longer healing time. properly belongs under this particular category because it involves a comprehensive system of treating acne that effectively addresses every significant aspect in human life that can contribute to the formation of acne. Aside from keeping the pores healthy, the Healthypores system also concentrates on killing the bacterias that are known to cause acne. In addition, it also seeks to control the hormones responsible for the unnecessary production of acne by keeping them within manageable levels.

A more comprehensive approach to treating acne such as that being offered by is definitely a more preferred option since it ideally covers all the important aspects of the problem. In essence, while the approach may initially appear to treat only a present concern, its comprehensive nature actually deals with future acne problems that may eventually crop up.

Technorati tags : More blogs about href="" rel="tag directory">successful acne treatment.

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Acne types

ZENMED® Acne Treatment
Clears acne from the inside-out. Works Fast with Guaranteed Results!

Different Types of Acne

A large sum of the human population is not endowed with perfect, radiant skin and unfortunately, many are not only unblessed with beautiful skin; they are even afflicted with acne. According to, a whopping 95% of the population are candidates for developing this stubborn skin problem. With this scenario, there is this sudden upsurge of acne treatments in the market such as Healthy Pores, which is made up of ancient herbal ingredients. But before purchasing and using an acne remedy, one has to identify the type of acne they have.

The ordinary, long-standing notion people have today is that having large, pus-filled pimples is most commonly referred to acne. This idea is partly correct but acne is not always limited to pimples. Sadly, there are a number of acne types today that ordinary people are not aware of. Being ignorant of the types, they commonly don't know that the bumps forming on their necks, faces, or backs are actually a manifestation of developing acne.

Though all acne types start in a similar way, that is having excessive oil substance or sebum, inviting bacteria, clogging skin pores, and forming obvious bumps, these types differ in their severity and form. For better classification, acne types are divided into three--acne vulgaris, acne rosacea, and the severe type.

The most ordinary type of acne, acne vulgaris, is divided into moderate and severe categories. Under the first classification are the whiteheads, which are formed due to the combination of excessive oil, cellular fragments, and bacteria. Because whiteheads are not so much exposed and completely trapped in the follicle, they cannot oxygenate, so they turn into a brownish color. At once, they will turn into a light hue, sometimes yellowish lump which is scientifically called milium. Whiteheads often happen due to a frequent cellular exfoliation that can clog the pores.

Like whiteheads, blackheads are a mixture of oil, dead cells, and bacteria, only they are partially clogged in the pores. As such, blackheads are more exposed to oxygen that enables them to turn dark. It also takes longer time to totally eliminate the blackheads as they are more stubborn as compared to whiteheads.

Meanwhile, papules are characterized by small, pinkish or reddish bumps that are most commonly inflamed. These bumps give a feeling of roughness on the entire skin and may leave scars when pricked. Another acne vulgaris's types are pustules, which are large, irritated, pus-filled bumps. People with pustules are advised not to prick them; otherwise, they will leave permanent marks. Dermatologists, by the way, are the only ones who can work on pustules using sterilized devices.

Acne vulgaris types, which cover severe include cysts and nodules, are a little painful and relatively larger than the earlier mentioned. Cysts are pus-filled lumps with a size of 5mm, which if squeezed could lead to severe irritation and scars. Meanwhile, as stated in, nodules are huge lumps found beneath the surface of the skin, which if attended to by a non-medical practitioner may aggravate the lesions and cause severe scarring.

Now, acne rosacea is more like vulgaris; however, this only occupies the face's third middle part especially the nose, cheeks, and forehead. Generally, a large percentage of the million people with rosacea are women in their 30s and above but ironically, it is the men who mostly have the severe cases. Those who have it develop rashes and swollen skin and during some instances, blood vessels may become more visible. But since rosacea is normally mistaken for vulgaris, it will not hurt to immediately consult a dermatologist before the condition climb up to the more severe rhinophyma.

All the mentioned acne types, of course, leave the afflicted individuals with physical and psychological repercussions that most often bring embarrassing moments. But what is considered more harsh are the severe types, which include acne fulminans, acne conglobata, pyoderma faciale, and gram-negative folliculitis.

An individual with acne fulminans has an extreme case of nodulocystic and tendencies of severe scarring. It is the young men who are most likely to get afflicted by acne fulminans along with joint fever and ache.

On the other hand, acne conglobata occurs more frequently to men and usually starts appearing anytime between the ages of 18 to 30. Those who are afflicted have several connected, huge lesions with blackheads forming on the chest, face, upper arms, thighs, back, and buttocks. Acne conglobata leaves serious, even permanent damages such as large, deep scars. This can be treated, though at several instances medications might be repelled. But continuous treatment can control acne conglobata's progression.

Meanwhile, pyoderma faciale leaves the afflicted with severe types of lesions, pustules, and nodules that are concentrated on his face and can leave great scars. Trivially, this condition only occurs to women averagely aging between 20 and 40 and is also possible to the ladies who have not had any kind of acne before. Pyoderma faciale starts abruptly but ends in less than a year.

Finally, gram-negative folliculitis is typified as a bacterial complication of cysts and pustules due to an extensive treatment of vulgaris. It's not yet known which gender is more prone to having this condition but medical experts agree that this is a unique case of acne.

Having acne definitely limits one's self-esteem. So, during the early signs of acne, it is advised to treat the condition right away because acne left untreated leaves a lifetime of damage. Solutions like Healthy Pores are good options since these kinds of treatment already help prevent the sources of the problem and cleanse the skin, thus avoiding the experience of one or more of the previously mentioned forms of acne.

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successful adult acne treatment

ZENMED® Acne Treatment
Clears acne from the inside-out. Works Fast with Guaranteed Results!

Acne in Adults

Acne is almost always associated with teenagers. Clinical studies show that almost 85% of teens have to deal with the hassle of living with acne. By the tender age of 10, a teenager may already develop this skin problem that stays for at least five years; in some cases, acne begins disappearing only after the tenth year or once the individual reaches his twenties.

But adults are not spared from developing acne because most often, just when older people think they've leaped from the acne stage, pimples of all sizes begin to sprout on their faces, usually occurring during their late twenties to fifties. Though acne among adults is less ordinary, averaging only to 8%, many people tend to link it to poor hygiene. However, it is important to understand that poor hygiene is not at all responsible for adult acne; overactive hormones are. These hormones signal the active glands to secrete excessive oily substance that in turn contribute to developing acne.

Attached to every hair follicle is a gland called sebaceous, which produces sebum, the greasy substance. Sebum is, of course, helpful as it maintains the skin's moisture naturally. But it becomes a problem when too much of it is produced by sebaceous glands largely because of an imbalance in the hormonal levels. When the skin has an excessive amount of sebum along with some dead skin cells, the skin pores get blocked. Clogged pores, in turn, produce blackheads, whiteheads, and the more serious, bacteria-afflicted pimples-- cysts and nodules.

According to, a certain bacterium known as Propionibacterium thrives on an individual's skin without causing any harm but when too much amount of oil is present, it produces enzymes and chemicals that harm an inflamed skin. In such case, pimples, cysts, and nodules suddenly appear. If left untreated, all these leave permanent and deep scars that are sad reminders of an adult-acne stage.

It is important to note that too many factors affect the hormonal changes in every body; one of these is the overall condition of the environment like pollution, air, ultraviolet rays, or water and food intake. More so, as stated in, a large sum of the food available today has growth steroids (milk and other dairy products) and pesticide (fruits and veggies); there are also genetically produced food products that are quite harmful to the body. Other contributing factors include constant and too harsh skin rubbing and scrubbing, pricking blemishes, stress, female reproductive cycle, and intake of contraceptive pills and other drugs.

But acne can be a thing of the past if treated immediately and appropriately. There are several acne treatment products today in the market, which include facial wash, cream, and capsules. But knowing how these products are used should be the individual's responsibility.

Thoroughly cleansing the skin's outer layer should be the first step of treating acne. But thoroughly does not mean scrubbing the skin so hard that it almost becomes reddish. Scrubbing too hard not only harms the skin but also aggravates acne. This is because rubbing and scrubbing too vigorously can rupture lesion, cause scars, spread the bacteria, damage blood vessels, damage skin tissue, and stretch the skin.

Furthermore, it would be helpful to find a product that has salicylic acid as an active ingredient; an example of this kind of skin products is Healthy Pores Facial Wash. Salicylic acid has been used several ages ago to treat lots of skin problems. This prompted medical experts to include the ingredient to modern skin products. According to a study done by Healthy Pores, a 2% worth of salicylic acid greatly performs in unclogging pores. Thus, regular usage of a product with the said ingredient is guaranteed to have a more glowing and healthier skin since the trapped whiteheads and blackheads are already eliminated.

The product with tea tree oil concentrate such as Healthy Pores Cream is also found to be an effective remedy to acne. Being an antibacterial agent, this kind of item kills harmful bacteria thriving on the skin's exterior, thus allowing skin cells to grow. Many claim that tea tree oil is an effective agent especially after a study on the effectiveness of this herbal ingredient was made by a prime skin expert in Australia. He found out that tea tree oil is a potent anti-acne ingredient because users are guaranteed to experience minimal side effects.

It is also recommended to balance the hormonal levels of an individual prone to developing acne. Balancing overactive hormones means dictating the sebaceous glands to secrete only an adequate amount of sebum. Skin experts have now launched lots of organic supplements that cater to this purpose. According to, several potent ancient ingredients were formulated to come up with nutritional capsules that allow the body to get rid of toxins, improve the nervous system, and balance the hormonal levels-- all of which contribute to eradicating stubborn acne.

Many have experienced acne in their youth and surely, they do not wish to have a repeat of the sorry experiences they had --the incidents avoiding the mirror, the decline in their self-confidence, and the deep marks of lesions. It is always best to treat acne during its early stages not when there is not enough space for pimples, whiteheads, and blackheads to grow on.

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Treating Teenage Acne

ZENMED® Acne Treatment
Clears acne from the inside-out. Works Fast with Guaranteed Results!

Treating Teenage Acne

Considered by many as a skin disease, acne actually encompasses a wide range of malformations that usually take place on the facial skin, although the disease can also be seen occurring on the neck, the upper back, the shoulders, and sometimes, on the chest. Acne also happen to come in various types, each one having its own name and description: the most common of which is whiteheads, which typically stay below the skin surface; blackheads, which tend to rise above the skin surface and characterized by a dark color; papules, which are small, tender, and pink bumps; pustules, which are pus-topped pimples with red-colored bases; nodules, which are large and painful pimples that tend to grow deep into the skin; and cysts, which are deep and painful pimples often filled with pus and can often cause facial scars.

Acne affects people from virtually every social class and has no exact cause, although medical practitioners tend to agree that hormone production within the body might have some connection with it. Specifically, the oil or sebaceous glands of some people tend to produce oil in excessive amounts during certain periods. The oil principally functions as a skin lubricant, but an overproduction of this causes the oil to get trapped in the oil ducts, eventually resulting to the so-called pimples or acne.

Another explanation for the occurrence of acne is the production of thin hairs inside the skin follicle. A follicle is a type of canal that links the skin pores or skin holes to the oil or sebaceous glands. These glands produce the needed skin oil, more popularly known as a sebum, and this gets transported towards the skin surface. Along with the transported oil are dead follicle hairs that also attempt to make it towards the skin surface but these get trapped somewhere in the middle of the transportation process. It's from these clogged hairs that acne eventually grows.

Whatever the actual cause is, acne is considered to be the most common of all skin diseases, with approximately 17 million Americans suffering from it. Typically, it tends to mostly afflict teenagers and even young adults, with the average age ranging from twelve to 24. The possible explanation as to why this particular age group is most susceptible to acne attacks can be attributed to the fact that during the age of puberty up to the late adolescent years, a significant amount of the hormone androgen is produced This unfortunately causes the sebaceous or oil glands into increasing their production of sebum, often causing an excess. Following the theory of trapped oil in the follicle, it does not come as a surprise then that teenagers commonly suffer from frequent acne attacks.

Teenage acne can cause many adolescents to become depressed mainly because they are at the period in life when physical beauty is starting to become an important aspect, particularly with regards to the opposite sex, and blemishes in any area of their body is often considered a major imperfection on their part. A wide range of emotions can get to interplay in the process, which can possibly result in more cases of acne breakouts. Eventually, this can lead to more severe acne cases which can be devastating for the self-image that an adolescent is trying to create for himself.

Initially, self-affirmations should prove to be sufficient to enable acne-bearing teenagers to overcome the ridicule and embarrassment that their blemishes inevitably bring to them. The love and support of parents and close friends will be particularly crucial during this time to help teenagers accept their situation and to realize that life is more than just having a beautiful face and a sexy body.

Ideally, though, it is always best to treat the problem upfront, and this should involve some very basic solutions to either prevent acne attacks or prevent future ones from occurring if one is already having acne problems. For starters, one should make it a point to regularly cleanse the face with clean and warm water so dirt and dust will not get accumulated in the facial skin. Getting enough sleep, especially at night, is likewise important since sleep helps rejuvenate the skin. Regular exercise should also be considered as this increases blood circulation, ultimately providing the needed oxygen to various organs of the body, including the skin.

An additional and significant step that acne sufferers can take is to seek the help of skin experts or dermatologists. These professionals can accurately assess the situation and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

In mild cases of teenage acne attacks, however, non-prescription treatments may be sufficient, and these may include either a short and quick solution characterized by the use of an acne cream or lotion over a limited time period, or a more complex process that covers a longer healing time. properly belongs under this particular category because it involves a comprehensive system of treating acne that effectively addresses every significant aspect in human life that can contribute to the formation of acne. Aside from keeping the pores healthy, the Healthypores system also concentrates on killing the bacterias that are known to cause acne. In addition, it also seeks to control the hormones responsible for the unnecessary production of acne by keeping them within manageable levels.

A more comprehensive approach to treating acne such as that being offered by is definitely a more preferred option since it ideally covers all the important aspects of the problem. In essence, while the approach may initially appear to treat only a present concern, its comprehensive nature actually deals with future acne problems that may eventually crop up.

Technorati tags : More blogs about successful acne treatment.

Monday, August 27, 2007

MuscoMax Increases Muscle Size

MuscoMax -
A Unique & New Formula for Muscle Growth & Strength

MuscoMax is an innovative approach to building bigger, stronger muscles and increasing strength & stamina without steroids or other harmful stimulants. MuscoMax works on a unique and proven method that increases muscle size and strength beyond the normal range.

People have been interested in maintaining good health, developing strong bodies and extending their live span since ages. But attaining such a goal is still a difficulty for many of us. Maintaining a good physique with great health and longevity is not an easy job.

A blend of the proper genetics, good diet and a precise amount of regular exercise may contribute to this goal but that alone is mostly not enough. Sadly, even with all of the above mentioned things, some of us fail to get that perfect body. If you want an amazing physique, good health, longevity and improve your general lifestyle, you will have to work hard for it. No easy ways out here.

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But research has shown that consuming a balanced diet, proper exercising, good sleeping habits and taking the right nutritional supplements will help in getting the body that you have always dreamed of. MuscoMax is one such supplement that can help you here.

MuscoMax is an innovative approach to building bigger, stronger muscles and increasing strength & stamina without steroids or other harmful stimulants. MuscoMax works on a unique and proven method that increases muscle size and strength beyond the normal range.

Clinical trials on men demonstrated that those who took MuscoMax regularly for a month experienced an amazing 100% increase in muscle strength & an 80% increase in muscle size. With MuscoMax you perform better, and drive yourself harder than you normally would. This results in improved muscular gains & your training intensity and strength improve over time.

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MuscoMax - enhance your performance

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The smallest advantage can make a huge difference in the outcome of a contest when you are in the competitive world of sports. Every athlete in the sports world wants to be the best & will challenge themselves & others on a regular basis. To out-perform their competitors, they need to build up their strength & stamina through regular training, a balanced diet & performance-enhancing supplements.

A supplement that enhances an athlete’s strength, speed, immunity & stamina will definitely give him that extra lead whenever he needs it. MuscoMax is made for such athletes and for every person who wants to become a sports person or who just wants to stay fit.

MuscoMax is a dietary supplement unlike any other that shows ground-breaking results in both men & women. The development of MuscoMax took years of research including, testing, clinical studies, and refinement to give you the perfect supplement that helps improve your energy & strength. MuscoMax will enhance your performance & give you the added edge against your contenders.

Order MuscoMax for Maximum Muscle Power!

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Saturday, August 25, 2007

Zeno Acne Clearing Device

ZENMED® Acne Treatment
Clears acne from the inside-out. Works Fast with Guaranteed Results!

• How does Zeno Acne Clearing Device compare with topical or oral treatments?

Zeno Acne Clearing Device can clear up a pimple in just hours. Most other medications can take days or even weeks to work. What's more, other than slight, temporary skin redness, Zeno has none of the side effects described by most topical or oral medications.

•Is Zeno Acne Clearing Device safe and painless?

Patients included in our clinical trials experienced little reaction to the low-level heat. Other than some temporary skin redness following a treatment cycle, no other adverse side effects were reported. But should you experience any discomfort when using Zeno, discontinue use and consult your skin care professional.

• Is Zeno Acne Clearing Device all I need for acne?

Zeno does not replace good skin hygiene or a doctor's care. Zeno Acne Clearing Device is designed to treat mild to moderate acne. Your doctor may recommend other therapies, depending on the severity of your acne. Follow your doctor's advice and use Zeno Acne Clearing Device for the occasional pimple.

Technorati tags : More blogs about successful acne treatment.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Steps To Get Rid Of Pimples

ZENMED® Acne Treatment
Clears acne from the inside-out. Works Fast with Guaranteed Results!

Steps To Get Rid Of Pimples
by juliet cohen

Acne (Pimples) is a common problem faced by almost all teen-agers and youth. Pimples, black heads, white heads, cysts and sometimes scarring can result. Acne is a skin condition that causes spots. Most people affected by acne are aged between 12 and 25. Acne affects people of all skin colours. The processes that cause acne are exactly the same in people with black or brown skin but the impact is altered by the skin pigmentation. Acne is caused by the overactivity of the sebaceous glands that secrete oily substances onto the skin. The sebaceous glands of people with acne are especially sensitive to normal blood levels of a hormone called testosterone, found naturally in both men and women. Testosterone in people prone to acne triggers the sebaceous glands to produce an excess of sebum. At the same time, the dead skin cells lining the openings of the hair follicles are not shed properly and clog up the follicles. These two effects combined cause a build-up of oil in the hair follicles. Over 50% of acne sufferers report people making nasty remarks or fun of them.

Pimples are actually hormonal during puberty so sometimes no matter what you put on them, they keep on popping up. Severe acne usually indicates the necessity of prescription medication to treat pimples. Oral antibiotics (tablets), such as tetracycline, can be prescribed for inflammatory acne. Isotretinoin (eg Roaccutane) is a medicine known as an oral retinoid, which also exists in a topical form (see above). Isotretinoin works by drying up oily secretions. Common over-the-counter medications for pimples are Benzoyl peroxide and/or salicylic acid. Both medications can be found in many creams and gels used to treat acne through topical application. Both medications help skin slough off easier, which helps to remove bacteria faster. Exercise regularly. Aspirin contains BHA (Beta hydroxy acid) which is a powerful defoliant and great at helping unclog pores and clear blemishes. Some form of aerobic exercise will bring oxygen to your cells and give you a healthy skin.

Natural remedies include Tea Tree Oil, lavender essential oil and witch hazel. Some home remedies for pimples have included potatoes, vinegar and lemon juice, toothpaste, garlic, lime juice and basil. Gently apply fresh limejuice on pimples and blackheads. Dab the mixture made by combining 1 tsp fresh coriander powder and a pinch of turmeric powder on the pimples, while going to bed in the night and wash it off when you wake up the next morning. Take a few fresh curry leaves and make a paste. Apply the paste on the acne-affected area and keep it overnight and wash it off with warm water the next morning. Apply the paste made of nutmeg (Jaiphal) and raw milk on acne and wash it off after 20 minutes. Do it for about 10-12 days and see the magical effects. Take some fresh fenugreek leaves and make a paste to apply on the acne pimples overnight. Apply a paste of fresh methi (fenugreek) leaves over the face every night for 10-15 minutes and washed with warm water. This will prevent pimples, blackheads, and wrinkles.

Get Rid of Pimples Tips

1. Gently apply fresh limejuice on pimples and blackheads.

2. Dab the mixture made by combining 1 tsp fresh coriander powder and a pinch of turmeric powder on the pimples, while going to bed in the night and wash it off when you wake up the next morning.

3. Take a few fresh curry leaves and make a paste. Apply the paste on the acne-affected area and keep it overnight and wash it off with warm water the next morning.

4. Apply the paste made of nutmeg (Jaiphal) and raw milk on acne and wash it off after 20 minutes. Do it for about 10-12 days and see the magical effects.

5. Take some fresh fenugreek leaves and make a paste to apply on the acne pimples overnight.

6. Make a paste of one part nutmeg, one part black pepper, and one part sandalwood and apply to affected areas.

7. Apply toothpaste - actual paste, not gel - to affected areas before bed. Wash off in the morning.

8. Create a paste from ground neem leaves and apply to affected areas.

About the Author
Juliet Cohen is an expert in Pimples Home Remedies and gives information on Skin Disorders. More Home Remedies

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Remove Blackheads

ZENMED® Acne Treatment
Clears acne from the inside-out. Works Fast with Guaranteed Results!

Remove Blackheads - Easy removal
by juliet cohen

Blackhead medically name is open comedo. Blackheads are caused by partially blocked pores. Blackheads are also caused and worsened by excess topical oils and makeup. The congesting toxins that are being expelled through your skin from the blood and lymph fluid combines with sebum creating a pasty glue. The exposed tip becomes oxidized and black, hence the name - blackheads. Blackheads are the first stage of acne. Acne is a skin condition that causes spots. Most people affected by acne are aged between 12 and 25. These lesions typically develop after puberty, once hormones start surging in the body and skin. Blackheads, also known as open comedones, are follicles that have a wider than normal opening. They are filled with plugs of sebum and sloughed off cells and have undergone a chemical reaction resulting in the oxidation of melanin. Blackheads can also be aggravated if you leave your skin dirty and dead cells accumulate within your open pores. The dead cells plug the pore opening resulting in oil build-up within the pore.

Blackheads occur when the trapped sebum and bacteria partially open to the surface. Blackheads are the slightly different sibling of zits, and like zits, squeezing them can be addictive. Blackheads are very commonly found in the area across your forehead and down your nose and chin. Sebaceous glands on this area of the face are very, very active. However they can also occur on other areas of the face, neck, chest, back, shoulder, even arms - any area that is rich in sebaceous glands. Some people experience blackened pores as a result of serious acne issue. One effective method regarding how to remove blackheads concerns a hot wash cloth. There are several ways to deal with ugly, clogged pores depending on how they present themselves. Use of drugs like benozyl peroxide, accutane, are also helpful in blackhead treatments, but always consult a doctor before using any of the above mentioned drugs. Use of pore strips is probably the most popular one, but this method is also the most harmful one.

Pore strips do remove the blackheads but only temporarily, also it can cause severe damage to the skin in and around the blackheads. Use a method of extraction that is effective, yet gentle to the skin. Cosmetic blackhead removal tape is another tool of choice for many people. Applied to softened pores and then pulled upward, the tape uses an adhesive to tug at the head of the debris and lift it away. Avoid cooked carbohydrates and fats, replace these with fresh fruits, vegetables and raw fats (avocadoes, olives, olive oil etc). Always remove your make up with a cleanser at the end of the day. Keep all your make up brushes and sponges clean. Wash them in mild shampoo once a month and let dry completely before using. Develop a good facial and body skin care routine. Exercise discipline to wash the dirt, grime, oil and cosmetics away from the face and skin. Facial cleansers with salicylic acid will help to remove debris and surface oil that clogs pores.

Remove Blackheads Treatment Tips

1. Wash the skin using a gentle, natural exfoliating product and pat the skin dry.

2. Apply a clay mask, such as bentonite clay or seaweed clay mask.

3. Rinse off with warm water and pat the skin dry.

4. Use creams containing AHAs (Alpha Hydroxy Fruit acids) like glyco-creams that will clear away any dead skin cells and "expose" the blackhead.

5. Sunshine or ultra-violet light encourages skin peeling, and so helps to clear blocked pores.

6. Avoid washing the face with soaps more than twice a day. Instead wash your face often with plain water splashes.

7. Tea Tree Oil (Melaleuca Oil) has been used with some success, and has been shown to be an effective anti-inflammatory in skin infections.

8. Laser surgery has been in use for some time to reduce the scars left behind by blackheads.

About the Author
Juliet Cohen is an expert in Skin Disorders. Learn tips on Blackhead Home Remedies and Beauty Tips

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How to prevent acne?

ZENMED® Acne Treatment
Clears acne from the inside-out. Works Fast with Guaranteed Results!

How to prevent acne?
by IndiaParenting

What is acne?

Acne consists of those terrible, red, swollen, pus-filled pimples which are the every woman's worst nightmare. The most common form of acne is known as acne vulgaris, usually found on women with oily skin. Acne occurs most often during puberty, because hormonal changes cause a greater secretion of sebum or oil. The oil blocks the pores, causing acne. Almost every woman will experience a few acne pimples at some point in her life.

There are various other factors that could cause acne.

* Pores clogged by dirt or pollution. * An undue amount of stress. * Hormonal changes caused by menstruation. * Too many soft drinks and too much fried food or chocolates. * Do your parents have a pimple problem? Genes could be a factor. * Some forms of medication. * Dandruff or a greasy scalp. Certain types of products you use in your hair could also irritate your skin, causing acne.

While acne is commonly seen at adolescence, many women get it during pregnancy as well, again due to hormonal changes. However, a few months after delivery the acne subsides as the hormone levels normalize. Surprising as it may sound, many women get acne for the first time in their mid-thirties or forties! This type of acne is called acne rosacea.

Benzoyl Peroxide Treatment

The next time you pick up a face wash or pimple cure cream read the list of ingredients to find out if it contains benzoyl peroxide, very effective for fighting acne. Acne is bacteria, growing in a clogged pore, and benzoyl peroxide fights bacteria. Just make sure you smear enough of it, and use it often. Your skin will start clearing up.

Fight acne on your back by making sure you scrub your back with a loofah or rough cloth while showering, after applying soap. Giving your bath a one minute scrub everyday will work wonders. If you exercise, take a shower after your workout. Don't wait too long, or the sweat will dry up and clog pores, only aggravating the acne. Apply benzoyl peroxide on your back as well.

Benzoyl peroxide is drying, so if your face or back feels very dry, realize that this is normal. Once your face is clean, you can reduce the amount of cream you apply, and your skin will gradually return to normal.

Other Treatment Options

Antibiotics: Acne can usually be treated by antibiotics. Some antibiotics for acne are very strong, and have severe side effects. The hair may start falling, or the woman may even experience difficulty during childbirth. Never, ever take any acne medication that has been prescribed for another person.

The pill: Some birth control pills can also help treat acne. This is because the hormones in the pill can stabilize the hormones that are causing the oily sebum, which causes acne.

Lazer: Lazer treatments are also effective in treating acne, but this is an expensive option. However, acne medication could also make a rather large hole in your pocket as well!

Irritation: Avoid any form of irritation to your skin. Don't pick at it or touch it too much, avoid scrubbing it with a harsh cloth, keep hair away from your face and never use substandard makeup.

For more skin care tips, please visit:

About the Author
Almost every woman will experience a few acne pimples at some point in her life.

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Saturday, August 11, 2007

Successful Acne Treatment

ZENMED® Acne Treatment
Clears acne from the inside-out. Works Fast with Guaranteed Results!

Acne treatment products are those creams, gels, pills and other preparations used for the treatment of acne and all acne variants. Acne treatment products are employed in the cure of spots, pimples, zits and other variants like blackheads, whiteheads and rosacea. These acne treatment products could be home-based preparations [natural acne treatments], plants, roots and herbs [herbal acne treatment] or pharmaceutically prepared acne treatment products.

Most of the common acne treatment products in the market today are either herbal based or made from synthetic materials and hydrocarbons. These acne treatment products can either be single therapy acne treatment products or combination therapy acne treatment products. Single therapy acne treatment products are those acne treatment products that offer just one type of cure like pills or creams or injections. An example of a single therapy acne treatment product is Acnope acne and anti-wrinkle cream which is just a cream.

On the other hand, combination therapy acne treatment products are those acne treatment products that offer multi-pronged approach to acne cure. The composition of such combination acne treatment products include pills, injections, creams, facial masks, gels, etc. as one treatment. Several examples of combination therapy acne treatment products abound.

Successful acne treatment is possible with good acne treatment products. Adult acne as well as teen acne treatment products are treated with proactive acne treatment at .

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Saturday, April 28, 2007

Why Do I Get Body Acne?

ZENMED® Acne Treatment
Clears acne from the inside-out. Works Fast with Guaranteed Results!

Why Do I Get Body Acne?
The pores of the skin on the body are different from the face. They are far bigger and active. The fact that most of the time the body is covered up does not help in the matter. Sweat, oil and synthetic fabrics irritate the pores of the body and this can easily lead infectious bacteria to clog the surface, causing an acne nodule to form on the body. Many reasons, such as hormone imbalances or over-activity also play a part in this. But the best way to prevent body acne from forming is to the keep the skin in a condition that does not make it easy for acne-forming bacteria to invade, and this where ZENMED® comes in.
Introducing the all-new ZENMED® BODY ACNE COMBO, a comprehensive solution for treating body acne quickly and effectively without bothering with messy lotions and creams.
How Does The ZENMED® BODY ACNE COMBO Work? Step 1 - ZENMED® Botanical Acne Mask and Spot Treatment – A clay based, botanical-infused mask product designed to be smoothed over the skin before showering. Leaving this product on for 2-5 minutes (or until dry) will effectively absorb excess oil from the skin, while anti-bacterial agents like Oregano Oil work to kill surface acne bacteria. A high grade Salicylic Acid and Citric Acid combination simultaneously penetrate the skin to help open up the clogged pores and soften the skin.
Step 2 – ZENMED® Botanical Body Acne Wash – Once in the shower, use this product to wash the Botanical Acne Mask off. This body wash is an effective cleansing agent supplemented with ground all-natural Walnut Shells to give the skin an invigorating exfoliation while increasing blood flow in the localized area. Once again, high grade Salicylic Acid as well as non-irritating cleansing agents are utilized to maximize the effects of this extremely effective body cleanser. Your skin will be softer, smoother and acne will clear up faster than ever before. Get more info about Body Acne Treatment here. Order ZENMED® BODY ACNE COMBO now.
About Us Contact Us Links Site Map Natural Health Articles, Treatments, Resources WebsitesJehovah shall supply all my needs according to His riches in Glory by Christ Jesus. Amen. Phil 4:19© 2003-2007 Copyright for treatment, medicine articles on acne. Other names for acne are spots, pimples, zits. Acne appears as blackheads, whiteheads, papules, zit or pimples.

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Body Acne Treatment

ZENMED® Acne Treatment
Clears acne from the inside-out. Works Fast with Guaranteed Results!

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Body Acne Treatment
by Nnamdi
Body acne is a nuisance that should be treated earlier than later to prevent deep scarring from forming. And understandably not every one has the time or energy to also maintain the skin on their body. But ZENMED® has created an effective and quick system that will:
Prevent new acne from forming Help heal existing acne Prevent pores from clogging and creating scars.
Why Do I Get Body Acne?The pores of the skin on the body are different from the face. They are far bigger and active. The fact that most of the time the body is covered up does not help in the matter. Sweat, oil and synthetic fabrics irritate the pores of the body and this can easily lead infectious bacteria to clog the surface, causing an acne nodule to form on the body. Many reasons, such as hormone imbalances or over-activity also play a part in this. But the best way to prevent body acne from forming is to the keep the skin in a condition that does not make it easy for acne-forming bacteria to invade, and this where ZENMED® comes in.
Introducing the all-new ZENMED® BODY ACNE COMBO, a comprehensive solution for treating body acne quickly and effectively without bothering with messy lotions and creams.

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Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Best Acne Solution

ZENMED® Acne Treatment
Clears acne from the inside-out. Works Fast with Guaranteed Results!

Find the Best Acne Solution Here!
by Ryan

Sick and tired of looking into the mirror and seeing the same ugly spots and blemishes? Annoyed that you can never go out and have a good time because people stare all the time? Then it sounds like high time you do something about it. From the myriad of chemical and herbal products available on the market, with more launched every year, we present you with the best anti-acne system ever. It's not a single product designed to treat merely one aspect of acne that we're talking about, but a powerful 3-part system that attacks both the causes and the effects of acne anywhere on your body.

Most products target only facial acne, and even that without much success. But we must ask the questions: is acne a problem only on the facial skin of our prospective customers? The obvious answer is "NO". Acne can and does appear on the chest, back and upper arms (body acne), which means that products dealing only with facial acne are not enough. Not to mention that some of the products contain either ingredients that are perfectly useless for treating acne or ingredients that are downright harmful to users.

However, this is not the case with the 3-part ClearPores System. This one caught our eye with its backing by the studies of American doctors, European herbalists and independent review sites. Not to mention the flood of success stories and letters sent by satisfied customers. People who have been suffering from acne for years are now displaying perfect skin and enjoying living without troublesome red spots and blemishes.

What makes ClearPores such an extraordinary treatment for acne?

What makes ClearPores such an extraordinary treatment for acne? The key to understanding how ClearPores works is the fact that you're not dealing with a single product, but with a system designed to take care of all the aspects that make acne such a problem. Basically, acne means that increased sebum production ends up clogging the pores on your skin, which allows bacteria to flourish inside the sebaceous follicle. That is why it is imperative to operate on several fronts at the same time in order to open the pores, cleanse the skin and destroy the bacteria.

Thus, the ClearPores System comes with deep facial and deep body washes designed to work from the outside by unclogging the pores and washing the dirt and bacteria from your skin. Next comes the inside attack as herbal pills help your body kill bacteria before they have a chance of turning a follicle into a pimple. And last, but not least, are the facial and body protection creams that keep your skin free from renewed acne attacks. This simple to use and extremely effective system combines the herbal power of Aloe Vera, Dandelion Root, Red Clover and Sarsaparilla Root with the SD Alcohol and Salicylic Acid solution in order to cleanse the skin and defeat bacteria.

High Effective and safe ingredients

These ingredients are perfectly safe and their effects on the human skin have been thoroughly tested by both ClearPores experts and independent researchers. However, be warned that not all products available on the market are made from the same safe ingredients. ProActiv is one of the best-known anti-acne products, but it contains Benzoyl Peroxide. This chemical ingredient is extremely strong and has many reported side effects, such as skin irritation, blistering, crusting and rashes. Another well-known product is Vilantae, which is sold as safe herbal pills. However, some customers complained of headaches, diarrhea and stomach problems. Prescription drugs are even worse than this, which is why they should never be taken without physician supervision. But why bother with strong chemicals or risk your health with hazardous products when ClearPores is a safe solution to your acne-related problems?

As a mark of the parent company's trust in the success of this skin cleansing system, ClearPores offers the best money back guarantee in the industry. That's right, you have six months at your disposal to claim a refund if you are not satisfied with the results of the ClearPores System. ClearPores is also offering free access to their skin care and beauty articles database and forum that will help you stay healthy and beautiful throughout your life. Why spend time and money with inferior products when the answer to your acne-related problems is at hand? We recommend ClearPores for everyone interested in getting rid of those ugly blemishes.

About the Author
Ryan is a publisher of Acne Guide blog

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Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Your Quick Guide To Acne Facts, Tips And Treatments

ZENMED® Acne Treatment
Clears acne from the inside-out. Works Fast with Guaranteed Results!

Your Quick Guide To Acne Facts, Tips And Treatments
by Helen Hecker

You can do it -- look better, feel better, and raise your self-esteem 150% by getting rid of your acne for good. Almost 100% of people between the ages of twelve and seventeen have at least occasional breakouts of whiteheads, blackheads or a pimple, now and then. Natural treatment methods are always a better choice for acne due to less exposure to drugs and chemical-laden acne products.

Baby acne is a rash seen on the cheeks, chin, and forehead of infants. Acne vulgaris is most commonly experienced around puberty, typically of the face, shoulders and chest. Acne will affect almost every person at some stage of their life. Nearly 80 percent of people from ages 11 to 30 years have acne, most often on the face, chest and back. In a survey conducted in Great Britain, 95% of 16-year-old males and 83% of 16 year-old females had acne.

The cause of acne is really unknown. It's not true that dirty skin and stress cause acne. Doctors think certain factors might cause or contribute to acne including hormone increases in teenage years, hormone changes in pregnancy, starting or stopping birth control pills, heredity, medicines and greasy make-up. I think the cause of acne is related to our Standard American Diet (SAD) and that would also influence all our hormones.

It's easy to treat acne cheaply, simply, naturally, yet effective, at home. If you're going to buy acne products, it's much more worth your while to buy acne-treating products that work against current pimples and that also fight against the occurrence of new ones.

Coconut is one of the best treatments I've found for acne. Raw apple cider vinegar application is a cheap, alternative acne treatment that has worked for many adults, teens and children with acne, zits, pimples, or blemishes.

One treatment method some people have used is applying cornstarch, egg whites or milk of magnesia as a facial mask. For a good acne treatment, that has worked for many, try applying virgin coconut oil daily, but on a small test area first. A new treatment using red light and blue light has been extremely successful on severe acne.

Acne scars are an ongoing reminder of a common skin condition that can cause embarrassment and social isolation. Scars may also contribute to a person looking older than their age as the skin loses its elasticity over the years. As a registered nurse, I have learned a lot over the years about acne scars, acne scar treatments, and acne scar removal.

People with skin disorders such as acne, rosacea, and psoriasis often suffer from constipation. Drink lots and lots of pure, filtered water. In any case, no matter what skin or acne treatment you choose, whether it is chemical, drugs, alternative, or natural methods, changing your diet will result in your overall good health! Essential fatty acids are particularly important to people with inflammatory conditions such as eczema and acne.

And fatty acids are particularly important to people with dry skin. Good skin is often a reflection of a good digestive system. Eat high-fiber snacks like raw nuts, raw seeds, and dried fruit, such as dates, and figs.

Unclean skin favors the development of pathogenic organisms - the dead cells that continually slough off of the epidermis mix with the secretions of the sweat and sebaceous glands and the dust found on the skin to form a filthy layer on its surface. The skin must be regularly cleaned or it'll become cracked or inflamed.

And whatever you do stop purchasing hundreds of dollars in skin care acne treatment solutions. By simply following a plan you've developed for yourself and sticking with it, you can reduce the severity of your acne or even eliminate it entirely. In any case, try not to panic about your acne and take it day by day.

About the Author
For more information on natural treatments for acne and acne light therapy, go to Helen Hecker R.N.'s website specializing in acne, pimples and skin disorders with tips, advice and resources for adults, teens, and babies, including information on acne scar treatments

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Acne Myths

ZENMED® Acne Treatment
Clears acne from the inside-out. Works Fast with Guaranteed Results!

Myths About Acne
by Charley Hwang

Acne is one of the common conditions that teenagers and even adults face nowadays. Do we blame pollution, food and even environment as the cause of acne? Modern science has improved dramatically to help us battle acne and might also discover truth of these myths.

Hygiene is considered as one of the most important aspects to ensure good health. One of the myths says 'Poor hygiene causes acne' which has been accepted widely in the society. However, it is not the main reason for the outbreak of acne which is due to 'sebum' and dead cells that are hidden under the skin and it is hard to cleanse. To minimize the outbreak, a gentle wash can be done easily on a daily basis.

What kind of food that will cause acne? As we believe, chocolate, junk food and greasy food can cause acne.
How true is this? Some scientific research had been done to verify this myth in which the data from the experiment is not solid enough to prove this myth is true. However, iodine can cause acne outbreak and it is mostly found in seafood that we love to eat. Good health is the basic to reduce acne outbreak; thus, lessen the intake of the food mentioned above to ensure an acne free face.

Generally, medicine nowadays can either help or worsen the problem of acne. Many people think that applying more topical medication can cause acne to become worse. This myth is not true and people should not believe it but continue the medication prescribed. In some cases, acne ointments will cause inflammation of the skin. Professional consultation is needed in order to quantify the amount of medication to be taken.

We often hear that acne is common among teenagers but how about people in their 30's? Acne can strike anyone at any age. But, acne usually clears up when a person reaches early stage of their 20's. However, some may also have acne outbreak in their 30's which is not common.

As we know, acne can be seen clearly through someone's physical appearance but does the damage stops there? Patients of acne will tell you otherwise, acne can cause emotional stress which can last for a long time. It can also cause emotional outbreak such as low self esteem, self centered, seclusion from community and depression.

Some of the myths are carried down from generation to generation and some are created just for the sake of comfort and beliefs. Therefore, it is always a good idea to seek professional consultation for an effective acne treatment instead of believing the myths that could have make things even worse.

About the Author
For more information on Acne Myths or visit, a popular website that offers information on Acne Treatments, Acne Solutions, and Acne Medications. Please leave the links intact if you wish to reprint this article. Thanks

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Cure Acne Naturally

ZENMED® Acne Treatment
Clears acne from the inside-out. Works Fast with Guaranteed Results!

Cure Acne Naturally In Just 3 Days
by Sarah Rhodes

Acne scars, like any type of scarring, can seldom be permanently removed. Fortunately, there are several acne treatments now available that can help the scarred area return to a more "normal" appearance.

Does being out in the sun help acne? The answer is "no". The sun may appear to help clear up your blemishes and redden your skin, thus lessening the overall reddish effect of the targeted acne area when it was outstanding. However, rays from the sun can cause skin damage and actually irritate skin more, worsening any existing acne problems in the process and clogging more pores as skin cells dry up and slough off quicker than normal. So use caution and sunscreen when going out into the sun!

Tetracycline is the most common antibiotic used for treating acne. It reduces inflammation and is used to kill the bacteria responsible for the acne. It may take several weeks to a few months for antibiotic treatments to take effect. This type of treatment must continue even after the acne has cleared up. Common side effects that have been associated with Tetracycline include an increase in sensitivity to sun light. This may potentially cause a bad sunburn should the patient dwell in the sun for too long of a time. Various other side effects include hives, dizziness and upset stomachs.

How can I avoid acne scarring? Because we know so little about what causes one person to scar more easily than another, the best way to avoid scarring is to prevent acne. It's important to treat the condition early in its course, and for as long as necessary. The more inflammation you can prevent, the less likely you are to scar. In the event that you do get acne lesions, it's important to treat them with the proper medication rather than squeeze or pick at them. Handling the skin -- squeezing with your fingernails, poking pimples with a pin, or whatever -- significantly increases damage to surrounding tissue, and thereby increases the chance that the lesion will leave a permanent scar and acne scar treatment will be necessary.

There are many moisturizers available that are specifically designed to help with acne such as Cetaphil, Eucerin, and Neutrogena. Severe acne, or acne that has not responded well to over the counter products, can be successfully treated with the knowledge and expertise of a dermatologist. A dermatologist will consider many things before suggesting treatment. He will perform a thorough evaluation of the patient, considering things such as severity of acne, patient age, lifestyle, and co-existing conditions. The dermatologist then may suggest a combination of two or three different therapies for best treatment.

While laser skin resurfacing, Dermabrasion, and chemical peels are the most popular methods for acne scar removal, injection methods are also used. The injections may contain collagen, or fat taken from other parts of the body. While these injections work well, they do have to be repeated often, and they can be quite expensive. The injections do not actually remove or heal the scars - it simply hides them by filling them up.

About the Author
Sarah Rhodes suffered from severe acne for many years before finally discovering a cure that works. Read about Sarah and the secret that permanently cured her acne at:

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Thursday, February 15, 2007

Exercise Your Way to Healthier Skin

ZENMED® Acne Treatment
Clears acne from the inside-out. Works Fast with Guaranteed Results!

Exercise Your Way to Healthier Skin
by Louise Forrest

Sufferers of oily skin do not just suffer from excess oil production on their faces. They also suffer from skin that does not appear healthy, pores that become clogged and aggravated, outbreaks of acne, and the emotional toll it takes when people see oily skin and think callous thoughts. In those respects, oily skin can become more than just a skin type. It becomes a condition that can put a weight of unhappiness on your shoulders.

But perhaps you already have established a good skin care regime. You cleanse, carefully exfoliate, use toner, avoid moisturizers, and stay away from any products that will cause your skin to automatically produce more oil. You may have even heard the news that eating healthy helps take better care of your skin and have thus improved your diet. If this is the case, then you are already on your way to improved skin. Yet there is still one more little thing you can do that will help you on the road to drier, healthier skin.

Do you exercise? If not, that could be exactly what you are missing. It does not entirely matter what it is that you decide to do. Go jogging. Do yoga. Lift weights. Take a karate class. Exercise does not necessarily mean you have to drive yourself to the limit of exhaustion, nor does it mean you have to focus on bulking up your muscles or losing weight. Exercising simply to keep fit and letting your skin reap the benefits is all you need to aim for.

Because societies have become so focused on exercise as the hard way to weight loss, people forget the fact that exercise is simply good for them, and in this case, for your oily skin. Not only does exercise help build collagen which reduces wrinkles and fine lines, as well as increasing healthy and helpful circulation which provides nutrients to skin cells, it can help make a big difference in your fight against oily skin.

You already know that acne outbreaks are caused by an overproduction of oil on your skin; too much sebum catches foreign particles and clogs pores. This oil production is often due to hormone variations. Regular exercise can help regulate certain hormones, giving your body more internal balance and easing the production of sebum, which will lead to less oil and less acne.

Stress is another important factor in the production of sebum and exercise can help you to unwind, taking out all that extra energy. In doing so, it also takes out the reasons behind the extra oil production, offering you less oily skin to deal with.

The sweat produced while you work out is also helpful. Because oily skin can mean clogged pores, a good sweat will push out all those clogging materials and give you an edge over any acne breakouts that may have been looming.
After a time, you may even notice a change in your skin color. While living with oily skin you may have noticed your complexion to be duller, maybe with uneven coloring in your skin. Exercise will help to bring back your rosy cheeks and healthy glowing skin from all the cleansing your exercise has given it, from both sweating and the increased circulation.

Always be sure to drink plenty of water after you have finished your exercise of choice. Drinking water, though it has nothing to do with adding moisture to your skin (that is a fable; drinking water does not suddenly moisturize skin!), it does hydrate your body and the overall effects of a healthier body includes healthier skin.

A myth to look out for is the myth of facial exercises. If you want to help your oily skin by exercise, this means you must do full body exercises, not facial exercises. These do nothing to help your skin, either in the next few months or the next few years. In fact, facial exercises may even increase winkles and fine lines rather than help you avoid them. They will do absolutely nothing in the ways of helping you free yourself from oily skin.

Adding exercise to your plan of attack when it comes to oily skin may be the final trick to helping you control your oily skin. Not to mention that you will feel better, have more energy, and look great overall.

About the Author
Keep YOURSELF looking and feeling great with these great Skin Care Secrets from In seconds you can access 36 beauty topics that will keep you looking younger and more radiant. You can now get the very latest information on Oily Skin Care by subscribing with RSS

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