Monday, May 22, 2006

Try The DermaPure Advanced Acne Treatment

Try The DermaPure Advanced Acne Treatment Systemand receive a FREE 1-YEAR SUBSCRIPTION to one of these popular magazines!
Why should I try DermaPure?
Unlike many other acne treatments that attack only the symptoms of acne (whiteheads, blackheads, pimples, papules, nodules, and cysts), The DermaPure System attacks acne from within, purifying the blood, flushing away biological waste, and reinforcing the blood's ability to ward off infectious agents. It also goes to work on the skin's surface by helping to remove impurities, dead skin cells, and excess sebum(oil). The end result is a clear complexion and the ability to prevent future outbreaks 100% Guaranteed!
But the physical treatment is only half the battle. That's why The DermaPure System comes with the Complete Acne Control Manual: to ensure that you have all the information you will ever need to effectively fight acne and prevent future outbreaks. I think you'd be hard pressed to find a program anywhere that offers this much!
Our Promise To You!
Cybermed Industries Inc. and NetPharma Solutions are focused on developing and distributing products that are of the highest quality, potency, purity and stability to ensure the highest levels of efficacy. How do we do this? Simple. We refuse to employ any part of the herbs except for those that are the most potent, pure, and productive.
Although this results in a significantly greater production cost, we believe that ultimately the quality of our product will lead to long lasting and trusting relationships with our customers. We believe that this dedication to a quality product is what sets us apart from all our competitors.

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