Monday, February 05, 2007

Acne Treatments For Clear, Smooth Skin

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Acne Treatments For Clear, Smooth Skin
by Michelle Bery

When you suffer from acne, every day can be its own nightmare. Inconsistent and unpredictable skin can have you waking every morning wondering what story your face will be telling that day. Acne treatment can't come soon enough and for those who deal with acne, the right acne treatment can change their life.

But even after acne has been treated, the resulting complexion can carry its own set of burdens. Healthy skin - now clear of breakouts - can still carry the remnants of violent acne in the shape of pockmarks, scars, and redness. This can be the cruelest thing of all; still displaying the ravages of a condition you've finally managed to beat.

Luckily, there is a multitude of acne treatments available for those who want to rid themselves once and for all of the effects of acne. In this age of technological advancement, professional dermatologists now offer a wide array of services that can greatly improve the look of your now healthy skin.

Chemical peels - probably the most well-known of the acne treatments - are done by a skin care professional and involve the application of an acid-based product to the skin. This acid removes the top layer of skin. While several treatments may be necessary to obtain the best results, chemical peels are relatively painless and simple procedures.

For those whom pockmarked, indented skin is the issue, the best results may come from an acne treatment known as augmentation. During augmentation, the skin care professional will actual inject a non-toxic material underneath the indented skin thus filling out the crevice and eliminating the pockmark.

Dermabrasion can be likened to exfoliation but is much more thorough. Because of the intensity of this acne treatment, the skin must first be numbed after which a special machine is used to slough away the first layer of skin. Dermabrasion can be enormously effective; most patients see results within a few short weeks.

One of the more invasive methods includes an acne treatment known as punch technique wherein a scar is actually surgically administered to in one of three ways; in the replacement technique where the scar is cut directly from the skin and replaced with new skin obtained from a graft; the excision technique wherein the scar is removed and the wound permitted to heal; and the elevation technique during which the scar is cut from the bottom and allowed to move to the top of the skin to fill out the area.

Finally subcision, another form of acne treatment, includes the excision of the scar after which the blood is allowed to clot beneath the wound. The subsequent scar tissue pushes the indented skin to the surface resulting in a smooth complexion.

Acne doesn't have to be a lifetime sentence. Now you can rid yourself of acne and discover brand new skin with acne treatment.

About the Author
For easy to understand, in depth information about acne visit our ezGuide 2 Acne.

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