Saturday, February 03, 2007

Which Available Acne Treatments Do A Great Job?

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Which Available Acne Treatments Do A Great Job?
by Jo Wood

Whether you happen to be a teenager or an adult who is suffering from acne, you're probably looking for an acne treatment that works so that you don't have to spend your life living with it. In this article we will provide you with 10 easy and effective ways of treating your acne.

1. Stop picking, pressing or rubbing those spots. These actions will only increase the amount of sebum that your body produces and will rupture the membranes below your skin. This will make the infection and sebum that cause acne spread underneath your skin and more spots will result. You are also increasing the chances of your face becoming scarred.

2. Wash your face twice daily. It is important that you only wash your face twice daily using a mild soap. If possible, buy one that is sulfur based as it is specifically designed for acne. But if your skin is too oily then use a soap that has benzoyl peroxide in it. Never use rough sponges, brushes or anything similar in order to wash your face and do not over wash it or it will stimulate the sebaceous glands. They will then produce more sebum and so increase the amount of acne that you have.

3. Look at what you are eating. For some people their acne can actually be caused by a food allergy and it is vital that you should avoid eating too much oily or spicy food. There have been recent studies carried out where it has been shown that acne is caused by milk which contains hormones and also seafood which contains relatively high levels of iodine. So wherever possible cut down on these foods and increase your intake of green vegetables, vegetable juices and foods which are rich in zinc as they can help to alleviate the problems associated with acne.

4. Drink plenty of water. If you can, drink at least 8 glasses of water each day as it can help to carry waste material out of the body and it really does help to heal and prevent acne flare ups.

5. Do not wear makeup. If you do not need to wear make up then don't, as it can clog your pores and this will cause more blackheads and spots. But if you do need to wear make up then make sure it is a water based product (rather than oil based). Also cleanse your skin before you go to sleep each night and ensure that you clean your make up brushes regularly.

6. Keep away from oil products. It is important that you avoid such products as hair pomades, intense oil based facial moisturizers and oily cleansers as they will excacerbate your acne.

7. Keep your face clean. Try not to rest your chin on your hands or touch your face constantly with your hands. Also regularly shampoo your hair and keep it tied back from your face especially when you go to sleep.

8. Exercise Take up some form of moderate exercise which will help your blood to circulate properly and will also help to eliminate toxins from your body.

9. Get your Stress Levels Down or Remove them altogether. Studies carried out have shown that stress will not only increase an acne flare up but it also worsens the condition of a person's skin. So either talk to your friends or listen to your favorite music or just take a walk in the park. Do whatever you need to do in order to stay stress free.

10. Go out in the Sun and Get some Fresh Air The sun is good as it stimulates Vitamin D in our bodies which is essential for healthy skin. Both fresh air and sunshine can also reduce our stress levels and increase the amount of oxygen to our skin. But be careful and do not get burnt as heavily tanned skin forms a layer on the skin which does not exfoliate quickly and can then lead to your skin's pores becoming blocked.

Hopefully the points provided above will provide you with some ideas regarding acne treatment and how to deal with acne should you suffer from it at any point in your life.

About the Author
If you want to find out more about acne treatments, click over to Jo's site at Claim your 3 Free Reports about acne from

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